Harmonious Earth & Soul: Earth & Sound Wave Therapy
Sound Energy Healing uses sound and vibrations from different tools for overall relaxation & restorative wellness. Often interchanged or used in conjunction with vibration therapy, sound therapy is an ancient method using natural vibrations either in proximity or on the body to initiate a mind, body & spirit healing process. Sound Therapy is a wonderful conduit for Nature’s healing energy. The “Earth Sound Wave” technique was developed by Erika to infuse & transmute these powerful vibrations. With the use of her sacred and ancient Himalayan bowls & bells, she has the ability to synchronize with the Earth’s four Elemental tones. This harmonious fusion has a rich medicinal synchronicity & the ability to synergistically transform the energy flow of your mind, body & spirit.
First Session
90 Minutes/ $225
Second Session & Beyond
60 Minutes/ $175
Couples Session
90 Minutes/ $350
Package of Four
60 minutes/ $650